Category: Lifestyle Tips

Don’t Get On The Road in Panama Without This Must-Have Smartphone App!

If you drive in Panama, Waze is a must-have app for your smartphone. Even if you have the directional instinct of a carrier pigeon, you’ll still find the app useful for syncing up with friends, outsmarting traffic jams, and keeping abreast of any surprise-surprise detours or route changes. And for those of you that have a heavy foot, Waze […]

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What Panama’s New President Means for its Economy and Expats

When vice president Juan Carlos Varela won the presidential election, plenty were happy, some were upset, and some….well, some didn’t know how to feel about it. After all, Panama has seen unprecedented growth under Ricardo Martinelli, the outgoing president. During his term, Panama become home to the fastest-growing GDP in the hemisphere. Massive economic strides were […]

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How Hard is it to Eat Organic in Coronado?

I believe in feeding my family a wholesome, chemical-free diet. Coronado is making it increasingly easier to do so; in the past few years I’ve seen huge strides being made in the availability of organic and eco-conscious products. That wasn’t the case when I first moved here. I remember having clients with dietary restrictions visit for property tours…weeks before their arrival, I […]

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